Cologne, May 12, 2021. Yesterday, May 11. 2021, the Bau-Startup-Forum Rheinland was held for the first time in Cologne. In addition to an exciting panel discussion on the topic of collaboration with startups, tandem presentations between established companies and startups also took place. As one of the four selected practical examples of such cooperation, Lumoview Building Analytics GmbH, in cooperation with the building management of the city of Cologne, was allowed to speak about the joint pilot project of 3D modeling of a Cologne vocational school.
During the event, the ABE_Award 2020 of the network Aachen Building Experts e. V. was also presented. Both nominated finalists, Lumoview and, had previously prevailed in a pre-selection process against competitors from the construction and real estate industry and had the opportunity to present themselves live in the E-Werk in a short pitch. Lumoview was able to win the audience vote.
Lumoview Building Analytics GmbH is a Cologne spin-off of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and was founded in 2019 by Bernhard Hoffschmidt, Arne Tiddens and Silvan Siegrist. Today, 16 colleagues are already working at the startup. With its easy-to-use measurement system, Lumoview offers automated and objective building analyses within 2 seconds per room to enable owners to cost-effectively digitize their buildings and renovate them in an energy-efficient way.