Frequently Asked Questions about Working with Lumoview

Are you uncertain how Lumoview can be used to digitize your building? Take a look at our FAQs or get in touch!

How can the LumoScanner correctly locate rooms during measurements so they are properly positioned in the floor plan/3D model?

The Lumoview measurement app allows a building’s floor plan to be tagged with room labels. A room book, if available, can also help ensure accurate localization.

What happens to the data if the internet connection is weak or lost during the measurement?

The LumoScanner stores all data during the measurement and transfers it to the Lumoview database once the connection is re-established. Rooms can also be measured without an internet connection.

Can the file be provided in formats like PDF, so it can be opened by anyone?

Yes, alongside DWG, RVT, and IFC files, a PDF document is also provided.

What is the difference between the self-service and Lumoview’s measurement service?

With the self-service option, the LumoScanner is operated independently, meaning the measurement is conducted in-house by you. Alternatively, Lumoview’s Scan Service team handles the measurement on-site.

Can the LumoScanner be operated by someone without technical expertise?

The LumoScanner is highly user-friendly and operates with just one button. However, a brief on-site introduction is still available if needed.